Gold Farming DNAxCAT Game Tutorial - 90 cookies daily ensured

Cryptodog production

New game is online, Cryptodog is always there

DNAxCAT went live yesterday at 6pm and I immediately pulled out my long-sequestered cets and worked through the night on this tutorial.

Here is the tutorial:

Cats Matching

1. Official Genesis Cats Matching

The official guide listed the low, medium and high three matching options for the Genesis Cats Matching, if you have the Genesis Cats in hand, you can refer to the official proposal.

If you want to take 5 cats to team up, just add 2 cats according to the team shortcomings.

he official Cats Matching is the following:

Advantages: Holi has the skill to restore the team's HP, Flash attack value is high, Tsuki can maintain good survival and attack ability.

Weaknesses: the team's speed value is not high, the opponent may attack first

Total cost: 2.8+2.58+1.6 = 6.98 bnb ≈ 3966 USDT

Advantages: a more balanced lineup, with destruction and life power.

Weaknesses: When encountering a restrained team, the damage and life ability may be reduced, so you need to increase the heroes who can add HP value.

Total cost: 18.88+ 2.85+ 1.8 = 23.53 bnb ≈ 13373 USDT

The lineups focuses on damage and blood return.

Weaknesses are the lack of cats that can restore blood and the generally low HP of the back row.

I will not put the price here, just to show the players who have this type of heroes in hands.

2. Regular Cats Matching -- Save your cost

New players seldom buy genesis cats, because they are not only expensive but also already close to infertile due to over bred. So the new players are advised to buy cost-effective heros if they want to play Gold Farming.

In general, it is recommended to team up with 5 cats. If you only have 3 heroes, you will encounter many opponents with 5 heroes in PVP model, so you won't be able to beat them.

In general, you need to place Light and water cats with higher defence and life values to protect the back row or to control assistants.

Place fire, lightning and dark cats in the back row so that you can set your team up for higher damage.

The official website has explained very clearly how to team up, we can use the official tutorial to explain:

Attribute skill recommendation

You can place the following cats in the front line:

  • Light, water

  • Light, light

  • Light, water, water

  • Water, water, water

The main focus is on the use of tanking skills and support skills, which were charted in detail in:

Skill base

Place the fire, thounder, dark in the back row, mainly used for attacking and healing, and their fonctions are the following:

  • Fire attributes: Primary attack, secondary defence;

  • Thounder attributes: Primary speed, secondary attack;

  • Water attributes: Primary healing, secondary defence;

  • Light attributes: Primary attack;

  • Dart attributes: Primary critical strike.

3. Purchasing Cats -- Practice

Please go to the DNAxCAT marketplace:

Click on "Brave" on the left to choose a normal hero

Select "Lowest Price" in the upper right corner to choose the lowest price

The yellow box are: Water, Fire, Thunder, Light, Dark

We can select Water first, mainly the following indicators:

  • Features

  • Skills

If you put the water attribute cats in the first row, we must check if the cat has tank skills.

You need only to ook at the parents to know whether the cat is purebred or crossbred, if you buy a cet without much breeding, it will maintain the purity and it can be sold for a good price in the future.

  • Parents

  • Price

Looking at the price mainly to compare prices, if two cats have the same skills and features, you definitely need to choose the one with the lowest price.

I write down here the lowest price of 5 cats, to facilitate comparison with the cost of selecting eggs.

The lowest price for 5 pets is:

1.39+1.25+0.74+1.25+0.89=5.52 bnb ≈ 3137 u

Choose eggs to team up

The above teaming method is likely to have some threshold, so let's explore a more low-cost method - the eggs selection.

Please note that player needs to wait for 5 days for eggs to hatch (you can check the days left tp hatch before making the purchase) and a small quantity of BNB will be deducted as a handling fee.

How to buy eggs, how to select eggs? Some players may decide based on egg's colour, in fact, you can buy them directly at the official marketplace:

Please go to the DNAxCAT marketplace:

Click on " Egg" on the left to choose a normal hero

Select "Lowest Price" in the upper right corner to choose the lowest price, start from the water attribute one.

Since that we do not know what features of the cat hatched, so we mainly look at the parents and the number of generations of eggs as the offspring will inherit half of the parents' genes, if it is a hybrid cat, according to my experiences on AXIE, if you get lucky, sometimes you can get a cat with very good features.

The prices for 5 cats are:

1.13+0.94+0.74+0.81+0.73=4.35 bnb ≈ 2472 U

The difference in price between the cheapest egg and the cheapest hero is about 664U.

Gold Farming Mecanism

1. Introduction

20 energy per day, if your account has energy and 900-1000 points, you will earn 2 additional cookies per win in the PVP model, but you will loss 8 points and energy if you loss the game.

Daily tasks require player to win 10 times in the PVE model or 5 times in the PVP model to earn 50 cookies.

1 cookie for each win in levels 1-5 in the PVE mode.

2 cookies for each win after level 6 (as I'm in a hurry to post, I'll leave the players to explore the rewards for later level ).

Player can get zero experience value and zero cookie income for playing PVE without energy.

Player don't need to keep clicking the mouse once the game gets started, the game proceeds automatically, and it will allow you to switch positions during the game which will disappear if you don't operate within 30 secondes.

In summary: Play 6 levels and 10 rounds per day to get 20 cookies, use the remaining 10 energy to play PVP model, if you win 10 rounds you will earn another 20 cookies, plus the 50 cookies rewards for daily sign up, you can get in taol 90 cookies per day.

PS: Since cookies don't have a price yet, we aren't able to calculate the payoff period.


The game only requires a few mouse movements and it doesn't take long to complete the tasks, which can easily give people the urge to buy a couple of phones and several accounts, which should be the case for many players as long as the price of the cookies is resonable;

The game, including PVP model, is a one-button operation, which makes it easy for studios to run games on code script. The good thing is that the cost of a single account of DNA_CAT is high, which can dissuade a wave of small and micro studios, and promote large studios and guilds to build the game ecosystem, the DNA_CAT game does not allow player to abuse the scoring system, which further reduces the risk of a big studios to sell a large amount of tokens.

That's all I have to share today. I will test other games from time to time in the future, and I hope we can make steady money together by getting the best deal in this chaos world.

Last updated