What is Genesis NFT?

What is Genesis NFT?

The Genesis NFT in DNAxCAT is a gem formed by the blessing of the goddess meow. Meow Goddess Gem is a kind of NFT asset in DNAxCAT. From low to high, it is divided into 6 different grades: Meow Goddess Emerald,Meow Goddess Light Sapphire,Meow Goddess Dark Sapphire,Meow Goddess Purple Gem,Meow Goddess Topaz,Meow Goddess Ruby,with a total of 6156.

There are two main application scenarios for Gem NFT:

a. Staking to the Farm pool can speed up mining, the more rare the quality of accelerated mining efficiency is higher;

b. Being exchanged for genesis cats with different properties, and the rarer the quality gems are exchanged for NFT ,the genesis cat has better properties and skills. Each gem NFT can be randomly exchanged for one of the three genesis cats corresponding to levels gem level, which means that there will be a total of 18 genesis cats.

Note: a. All gem NFTs can be used for staking mining, but the income from mining is not permanent and depends on the reward pool of the NFT mining pool; b. The gem NFT will not be burned after the exchange and you can still participate NFT stakes for mining, but can only be exchanged for genesis cat once. At present, almost all gem NFTs on the market have been exchanged for genesis cats, so be careful when buying.

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